Thanks to Dreamhost

dreamhost account menu

I know it sounds like the advert but it’s not, or.. ?
Anyway I wanna thanks to my web hosting provider. It’s about midnight here and I have spend more then week tuning WordPress, plugins etc. on clients server and still with no positive result. I’m not glad to say that, but I gave up for now. Doesn’t make sense to work on something hours, weeks when I’m able to do the same thing within hours on my Dreamhost hosting. This is not even for the first time I stay staring on the screen getting cold wrists and wishing to have clients hosted on the Dreamhost as well. OK, the response from here there and back is bit slower because of the NIX problem. Look for ie. on the image of the menu (the with line on the left side) under my account. You can easily guess what they offer and I must say I love the interface they give me. I can setup whatever I want within minutes. New domains, DNS, close to unlimited space, Streaming, Ftp accounts one click installations. I have almost ..if I remember correctly more then 300GB & way more then that all those things work for bit more then 100 bugs per year. You can say why all that, what for I tell you something it saving my time when I work on my own things, unfortunately not all of us are having hosting there. This maybe has to be written only in czech cause I have problems mainly with czech hostings (I have tried 5 of them and only zserver gave me more then the others thanks to kindness of the owner)…maybe that’s all I wanted to say, just Thank’s guys wish you can save more of my time.